Mountain Fuel product testing & review

Whatever form of exercise you choose to participate in, it’s always important to consider how you fuel your body.  I like to think of the food I eat as the fuel for a car, no fuel and the car doesn’t work – no food and your body won’t work very well.  If you don’t take care of your car, keeping the tyres inflated and cleaning the injectors, you may not get the maximum fuel efficiency.  The same goes for your body, if you eat the ‘right’ foods you should find that you get more out of your exercise regime. Continue reading

Old Spice…not just for oldies?

For the past 4 weeks or so I’ve been testing a couple of products from the invigorated Old Spice range.  You probably saw the TV commercials a good few years back when Old Spice started targeted a slightly younger demographic than that which they had previously been associated with.  If not, check out this beauty which to date has had over 50 million Youtube views.

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My porridge adventure

I’m sitting here right now, preparing to go for a run having just eaten my first ever bowl of porridge.  Let that sink in for a second.  Doesn’t sound much? Ok, add in that I am weeks away from turning 36, sound a little strange now?

fullsizerenderI’ve never really been sold on the idea of porridge, it’s a breakfast that takes ages to make and the end product never really struck me.  It’s not like a full English where the time it takes to construct is rewarded by a wonderful plate of various cooked guilty treats.  It’s porridge, it’s a dull, grey looking mush. Continue reading